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Tuesday April 4, 2017

*Potato Nodal and Microtuber Culture Demonstration with NEAAAT Students

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*Professor on Loan

Presenters: Dr. Roberto Frontera-Suau & Mr. Moses McDaniel

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*The Amazing Undergraduate Research Week Race

Registration: 9:30 - 10:30 am: Rm 323, Pharmacy Complex
Presenter: 3:30 pm: Lobby of Pharmacy Complex
Presiding: Sheryl Bradford & Reta Blair

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*Additive Manufacturing - 3D Printing

Presenters: Dr. Kuldeep Rawat,  Dr. Akbar Eslami &  Darius Witherspoon

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*Web Crawling to Match miRNA ID to Expression

*Turning Security Monitoring Into an Engaging High Performance Task

Presiding: Dr. Krishna Kulkarni

Presenters: Dr. Lin Chen  & Dr. Malcolm Dcosta

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*STEM Professional Panel

Presiding: Pi-Byte Club, (Math & Computer Science)

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*Tar Heels in the Trenches: The Great War and the Albemarle

Presiding: ECSU History Faculty

Presenter: Leonard Lanier, (MOA)

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*Undergraduate Student Research Presentations

Presiding: Dr. Linda Hayden

Presenters: CERSER Undergraduate Students

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Web Design by Malcolm Dcosta

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