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Fine Arts and Humanities Day

Thursday April 12, 2018

All day: Johnson Hall

Presiding: Dr. Adam McKee and Dr. James Goar
Presenters: ECSU Students and Community

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12:30 pm - 1:50 pm: Rm 307, Gilchrist Complex

Presiding: Dr. Shyamal Das

Presenters: Nyechia Hall; Mia Jackson, Vera Riddick, Chastity Roulac and Gereimza Thomasson

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2:00 pm - 3:20 pm: Rm 138, Lane Hall

Presiding: Dr. Melissa Stuckey
Presenters: Breonna Rozier, Nikolaus Epp, Tyler Cline (Join the panel for a group photograph in front of the Principal’s House after the forum)

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2:00 - 3:30 pm: Rm 302, Gilchrist Complex

Presiding: Dr. Margery Coulson-Clark

Horticulture based rehabilitation and its effects on recidivism - Ashland Tann

Should felons be allowed to Vote? - Robin Walden

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2:00 - 3:30 pm: Rm 138, Johnson Hall

Presiding: Dr. Amber Stamper

Presenters: Dr. Jose Gil, Dr. Walter Iriarte, Dr. Michael Jasper and Dr. Kenneth E. Jones

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Web Design by Disaiah Bennett & Malcolm Dcosta

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