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Tuesday April 10, 2018

8:00 am - 9:30 am: Room 102, Pharmacy Complex

Presiding: Dr. Robert George, CERSER (ECSU)

Presenters: Dr. Michael Piefler, (ECU);  Dr. Timothy Goodale, (ECSU);  Dr. Erin Moran, (CMS);  Dr. Jay Levine and Dr. Paul Ticco, (NOAA); 

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10:00 am - 12:00 pm: Room 102, Pharmacy Complex

​Presiding: Dr. Robert George, CERSER (ECSU)

Participants: Dr. Lisa Clough, (NSF);  Dr. Richard Barber, (DUML);  Dr. Robert George, (ECSU) and Dr. Hans Paerl, (UNC-CH) and Dr. Larry Atkinson (ODU) 

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1:30 pm - 2:30 pm: Gilchrist Complex Boardroom

​Presiding: Dr. Timothy Goodale, (ECSU)

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3:00 pm - 4:30 pm: Rm 102 Pharmacy Complex

​Presiding: Dr. Reid Corbett, (ECU)

​Presenters: Dr. Lisa Clough, (NSF) and  Dr. Susan White, (NC Sea Grant)

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4:30 pm - 5:20 pm: Rm 102 Pharmacy Complex

Presiding: Dr. Clarence Styron, (The Georgia Institute)

Presenters: Dr. Robert George, (ECSU) and Dr. Bill Crowell, (APNEP)

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5:20 - 5:30 pm: Rm 102 Pharmacy Complex

Presiding: Dr. Robert George, CERSER (ECSU)

Presenters: Dr. Linda Hayden, (ECSU)
GIBS Award of Dr. Darnell Johnson Medal to Dr. Linda Hayden, (ECSU);  awarded by Dr. Robert George 

  GIBS Award of Dirk Frankenberg Medal to Dr. Hans Paerl, (UNC-CH);  awarded by B. J. Copeland

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*An Investigation of Atomic Structures Derived using X-ray Crystallography and Cryo-Electron Microscope using Distal Block

*Learning outside the classroom and beyond

* A regression analysis of hospital stays in a nosocomial infection control data

11:00 am - 12:30 pm: Rm 109 Lane Hall

Presiding: Dr. Kenneth L. Jones

Presenters: 1. Dr. Lin Chen

                        2. I'Ran James and Dr. Malcolm Dcosta

                        3. Matthew Hill and Dr. Julian Allagan

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Web Design by Disaiah Bennett & Malcolm Dcosta

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